Monday, February 06, 2006


Dr Matt Prescott sets out his aim to get the lightbulb banned to save emissions. This follows my post. What is helpful about his online information is that it lists suppliers both in the UK and US for places where CFL's can be found. Although it seems an expensive option to change your lightbulbs, it is cheap in the longer term and nicer for the planet. Leave me a comment if you are committing to change at least 3 lightbulbs by the end of February.

1 comment:

Rachael Byrnes said...

Thanks for your comment on my site and link from your site to mine. I have done the same on my site.

I love your site! It's a real inspiration to all the downshifters (or upshifters should I say) out there. I particularly like the idea of having "Actions to Date". Mind if I do the same on my blog?

Your might be interested in my music blog where you can listen to a few of my orginal songs. There is a link through less is more. Much of the motivation to downshift came from persuing a music career and having to make that work for me financally.

Will be back to see how things are going for you. I love to get that bread recipe off you too!