Monday, May 01, 2006


May Day is a busy day in this household. We had a really fruitful talk yesterday with one of our new friends in the village about pig keeping. It is on the list in the future but will not be for this year. This year's goal is about producing and canning vegetables and fruit and so far its looking promising.
The tomatoe seedlings are plenty and have shot up this week, as have all the squashes, pumpkins, cucumbers and melons. I always grow too much and need to make a list of what we grow and how well it performs.
DH and DS3 are building a raised bed for the squashes so they can ramble in the heat and later in the year I will plant it with onions and broad beans to have some variety.
Guess I am going out there in the sunshine again, admiring the plants, cosseting my future larder projects and reading up about canning and preserving.

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