Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Half Human

Beans by Francois Van Houtte

Up at dawn, cup of tea brought to my DH, I pondered on life. I feel half human again, the household is returning to some sort of routine. The porridge had steamed all night in the stove and as the warmth and steam wafted from my early cup of tea I pondered on the beauty of this simple life.
The chickens respond to my voice and welcomed me with a lot of cackling and I found them some cabbages to eat so at least they have some work to do today. There is very little greenery for them to eat and although 3 of them can still escape and eat whatever they please in the garden, the other dutifully wade in the mud. There seems to me to be a lot to do around the homestead but I am still taking it veryeasy. There is a stirring in me to tidy the polytunnel and prepare the bed for early potatoes. Last year I waited until late february but this year I want to try and start them earlier so that the bed is free for french beans in April/ May time. I have been sewing some lettuce seeds under heat and today.I will put some onion seed in a seed tray. This will be my first year growing onions from seed, I usually buy bulbs, without much success I have to say.
Dh and I talked about what we would increase this year in our simple activities. For him it is his crocquet game and for me it will be working in the garden. I watched Growing your Vegetables yesterday and learnt about many heritage varieties of peas and beans. It is a worthwhile crop, to think that the seed is edible, planted produces a flowering spectacle followed by fruits that are easy to eat, freeze and dry. And they give nitrogen to the soil improving it as they grow.
Met Mr Robin today, who hopped about the garden path looking for crumbs to eat. I do leave them out when I cut the breadloaf. Every little helps.

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