Wednesday, January 18, 2006


The primary school in our village is working towards achieving an eco school award. It has been an interesting journey so far, with the children discussing how to reduce paper at school and how to reduce the use of electricity. The discussions at home have also been great and prompted my 7 yr old to go and post notices on every lightswitch and walking around in a slighly bossy manner asking everyone in the house some pertinent questions about' why did you leave that light on'. I commiserated with him, a lousy job to do and yet his idealist views are to be commended. I can also be found uttering the words ' light, door!' on a regular basis with very little effect. I keep trying.
Yesterday we had a discussion about energy efficient lightbulbs so will be looking into that and letting you know how we get on. We were given one yesterday, courtesy fo some parents at the school ( we have a very small school) and I am grateful to them for not only giving us one for free but for the natural discussion we had at the dinner table about its use, where should it go, what does it do. I love these discussions and like to hear the feedback the kids give me. More on that tomorrow when I have searched for some more facts.


Alison said...

I agree! Not only that, but Brenda Dayne saying that knitting is a deliberate act againt mass production & consumerism is such a great justification for sitting & knitting!

Sherrill said...

As a child, we had a jar that was kept in the kitchen for such things as "leaving light on in room not being used = .25 cents" (equal to change in UK?), and other things to help us with being more energy efficient and then the change was used in the summer towards a trip, i.e. to the zoo, for ice cream, what ever the amount was equivalent to.