Its been a busy few days, there are still beds to clear and plants to pot on, seeds to sow and beans to pick. Potatoes planted in february under cover are ready to be harvested as well as the broad beans that are producing very prolifically. I do not like eating them but they make a very good hearthy soup for colder spring days as today. I have some beds still empty, runner beans that should have come up are slow to germinate. Red cabbage and savoy cabbage seedlings are showing through. I intend to plant them out under fleece to discourage the white butterfly larvae that last year grew into spectacular looking caterpillars, eating all cabbages in site.
Butternut squash and cucumber are waiting on the bench to grow a little sturdier. Flower plants, zinnia and sunflowers are awaiting planting out as well as a new variety of lime green nicotania. That should look stunning in flower arrangements.
Posts have been put up to allow the tomatoe plants to grow up in tripod support. I am limiting myself to 6 alicante tomatoe plants and 4 sungold tomatoes in pots. I will try and grow a tomatoe in the front garden as that is south facing. It might be worth growing them outside if the weather really warms up.
Its a very busy time in the garden, as we have had rain for about a week the weeds are popping through and taking full advantage. I do get to eat the odd strawberry that is ripening under cover. Sweet treat during the hard work.
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