Sunday, October 21, 2007


A blog award in support of farmers worldwide:

Rooting is the process of putting forth roots and beginning to grow

I have received a few blogging awards recently and I would like to sow a blogger
award into the world, one that is given to bloggers who are using social media to unite, inspire and sustain local farmers and farming.

The rules to show your support:

Tag your post if possible with ‘rooting for farmers’ and lets raise the moral of farmers in the community.

The rules are :

1. Write a post about what farming, farmers and local food mean to you.
2. Nominate three bloggers who epitomise "Rooting for farmers "

3 .Link back to the person who nominated you, and link back to this post

4. When you receive the award, you may display the "Rooting for farmers" button on your blog by pasting the HTML Code listed below on your blog.

So here goes:

My nominations go to
Heather from around the world in 80 megabytes

Neil from the Gastrocast

Farmer Jake

and a special award and thanks to Mark from The Green Fingered Photographer:
who generously gave his permission to use the pig picture.

HTML Code For The Button

<a href="
<img src="
/SupportForFarmers-1.jpg" border="0" height="60%" width="60%" />

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nominations have been made!

Here's hoping this takes off in a big way!