I can hear you, we british have an obsession with the weather. Its the first conversation point that happens when you do not know the person very well and as it varies on a regular basis provides a never ending variety of words to play with.
Recently, we have had just a few words to exchange and conversations have been scant, mainly because everyone hides in their house. It is meant to be midsummer and spirits are low...nights will be drawing in after the 21st June again and hey we are heading for winter.
The garden work has been halted and this weekend we had a rather soggy garden's open festival in our village. The village hall was packed with many digging into the village feast, talking not only about gardens but about the weather. I did not open my garden ( as unfortunately weeds are not allowed when you show your garden) but did partake in selling raffle tickets. I like village events like these because you get to meet everyone, talk about the weather and then move on to the news, who is where, what is happening etc. As not a lot happens in any event, the conversation ends with a moan about the weather.
I do no mind the rain as the alternative pushes me back in the house to fibre arts. Today I finished spinning the long job of rollo's fleece and ventured out in between showers to take the artistic shot. Rain or no rain, thats got to be my conversation point for today. I hope to take it out to Shirley soon and see if she is willing to give me a fleece later on in the year to turn into squishy, softness.
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