Thursday, April 17, 2008

Living with acceptance

Words to Live By: Truth by Debbie DeWitt
Words to Live By: Truth

Acceptance is the first step in the process of change; you need to accept what is happening now, embrace the moment and stay open to possibilities.

Many of us fight acceptance and are practised at avoiding reality or denying that anything is wrong. If you were brought up with a message that everything was never good enough then it seems to follow that you would be striving for an ideal that is in some way unattainable.

On the issue of climate change we can have a variety of reactions : there are those who claim that it is not happening, there are others who accept on some level that it is happening but it is nothing to do with them ( it has an effect in other parts of the globe but I am all right thanks), and there are others who say that there is nothing personally they can do about it, that it is too late, too hard, not necessary............

Personally Chronic Fatigue Syndrome leaves me with tense muscles, so tense that they feel taut and at breaking point. In the beginning I ignored it and continued anyway on the principle that there were no other options but to continue. ( denial). Then I could accept it on some level but still did not want to rest....there is so much to do, I must, I have to. After mindful breathing, living in the moment with gratitude, came acceptance. It did not just arrive but fighting a condition that I did not want to have, that was controversial and apparently all in the mind, not being able to function, flat out on the bed I had to finally accept that something was wrong, that I had no idea what it was and that others too did not necessarily know what it was either. At that point I became grateful for every moment; I voiced every moment that I was OK, and started managing change in very small steps.

The same can be said about climate change. If we can accept at some level that it is happening then we can open ourselves to the possibilities for change that it offers. By working from home and as the family start a sustainable business, I am acknowledging that it is happening, I am responding to the fact that working without a commute and a car is a possibility and not commuting eventually results in change ( for the planet and for my pocket too).

Enquiring within a given moment is a necessary step to look at what we are afraid of and what is true for us. Not accepting climate change and denying that it is happening shows us that we are afraid of the unknown, a different future we will have less control over and then again if we do not take action now, it will spiral out of control and fulfill the exact fear we have.

A different reaction could be that we accept that there are signs all around us that climate change is a reality and without criticism or pointing the finger at others, we can enquire within as to what our true contributions to the problem are and what solutions and possibilities we feel able to action.

I do believe that as a single human being a small action however minimal may not show up instant results but if you in any way doubt the power of one action, remind yourself the impact of spending time with a mosquito in the room.

Loving what is is a brilliant book by Katie Byron, if we love what is, if we accept what truly is the reality instead of denying it is happening and facing our fears head on, it does open up possibilities for action and following that action is change and a pathway to freedom.

Then another moment offers itself in your life which you can view with mindfulness, gratitude and acceptance and live with truth.

Living in the moment continues with letting go of expectations.

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