Not far from our cottage, the hills rise above on the horizon. At the start of spring, the moment when colour exploded into new greens of a variety of hues and depths, I explored the possibility of creating a shawl to capture the colour variations. I am working on creating fibre related items that reflect the place I live in, the local environment, using locally sourced fleeces.

The yarn is forest green handspun. The timescale for the project has been 8 hours spinning and 32 hours knitting. There will only be one of these, as I would not be able to absolutely recreate the exact pattern variations caused by the spun yarn. It has been untouched by robots and has been lovingly created in beautiful surroundings, feet up with cup of tea to the side, using time unavailable for gardening during the ' wet summer of 2007'.
So very beautiful!
What a lovely shawl! It reflects the spring pallette so well, it makes me want to hurry up fall and winter and get to spring again.
That's gorgeous. And having tried my hand at spinning this weekend (at the Irish Green Gathering) I'm even more appreciative of the work that has gone into this. I can't say I took to spinning like a duck to water but I think it's something I will pursue for a while to see if I can really do it. I love the colours of your shawl.
That is an absolutely beautiful shawl. I love the colors so much. I knit and crochet myself, but have never tried spinning. I probably won't for a while, since I can't afford a spinning wheel, but it is definitely on my wish list.
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