Birch Trees
Paper is made from trees ( generally) and in saving paper we in effect need to cut down less trees to make the paper.
Here are 11 ways to reduce and reuse the paper coming in:
1. read your newspaper online if you can , if you want to have a physical newspaper, stick to having one at the weekend when you have time to read it from cover to cover ( its heavier too)
2. when receiving e-mails- think before you print them out. If anything needs saving that you see on the web, use a pdf facility to save it to your harddrive. Then you can print it when you really need it.
3. Stop junk mail from arriving at your home by adding your name to the Mail Preference Service. This will stop mail coming in that you then have to put in the recycling bin.
4. If you need to print using the printer, use both sides of the paper ( by setting your printer to do so), or by physically reusing paper that has been printed on one side. ( If you work in an office and there are no data protection issues about that, use some paper at home that has been used before)
5. Printed paper on one side also makes good notepads and drawing pads for children.
6. Envelopes can be reused. You need to use a letter opener to slit the mail open on one side and then use labels and cellotape to stick it back together again.
7. Envelopes can be used as shopping lists or reminder lists too.
8. Download brochures from the web instead of asking for paper printed brochures.
9. If you want to opt out of ' to the occupier mail' you need to write to Door to Door opt outs, Royal Mail , Kingsmead House, Oxpens Road, Oxford OX1 1RX.
10. If you buy paper products, buy recycled paper if possible.
11. When it comes to birthday cards and Christmas cards, consider sending e cards instead, or use the phone to deliver your message in person.
Recycling paper:
Most councils now offer a kerbside collection box for paper and cardboard.
If you have more than that you can take it direct to the recycling sites in your neighbourhood.
newspaper and shredded papers, as well as cardboard makes a good layer addition to your compost bin.
Recycled paper is turned into catlitter, paint and loft insulation.
ACTION : Take control of the paper coming in, reuse paper and look at alternatives, use kerbside collection for paper and consider alterntive products made from recycled paper.
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