Friday, January 16, 2009

The blue in blueberry

The season after Christmas and the jolt into the New Year is probably one of my least favourite ones when it comes to the weather. Adding to that a lot of flu and colds going around, constant news of deteriorating economy etc etc. In case you are suffering from a case of the blues, enter the blueberry muffin. Naughty in a sense as you are probably trying to lose weight but good in another. Blueberries are very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. It is also a good source of Dietary Fiber, and a very good source of Vitamin C, Vitamin K and Manganese.

This year I intend to feel alive every moment and experience life to the full so what better antidote to the winter blues than to get baking in the kitchen, a special request from a not so little boy. How about some muffins today Mum? How can I resist.

Need a recipe? Here is one to try.
Blueberry muffins

Right, I am off to sip a nice cup of herbal tea, a muffin and rummage through the numerous seed catalogues and do some planning, just the ticket to stop me wallowing.

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