Breakfast under the Big BirchBreakfast appears to be the most important meal of the day as literally we wake up and break our fast. Our bodies need nourishment that will carry us through the day. Serve in a pretty place, in a special bowl.
Wheat free, sugar free and dairy free offer a challenge so what follows are our top breakfast choices. These have more variety than 12 months ago. We have branched out into uncommon resources, uncommon because we were not familiar with them. Quantities are per person.
1 - Oaty fruit2 tablespoons oats, soaked in water, add 1 tablespoon of sultanas and a handful of raspberries or choice of berries. In the morning add pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and a few almonds. Mix.
2 - Apple millet cereal1 cup of millet add 2 cups of water. Cook on the stove for about 30
mins ( check water content).
When cooked stir in 1 chopped apple, a little butter and some maple syrup.
3- Quinoa with bananas1 cup of
quinoa to 2 cups of water. cook for 20
mins ( check water). Add berries of your choice and a banana. If you want to indulge, some cocoa powder and the banana.
Cereal choices of grain - millet,
quinoa, oats,barley
Topping for cerealsapricots, bananas, apples, cherries, raisins, currants, flaked
coconut, walnuts, cashews ( unsalted), almonds, , sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, hazelnuts.
Sweet things to add to cooked cereal:
honey, maple syrup, brown sugar, cinnamon, molasses,
manuka honey.
4 -EggsBoiled, scrambled with tomatoes. On toast or with rice cakes.
If you are not dairy intolerant :
5- Pancakes, waffles etc6 - Rice pudding7 - One of a kind granola ( good for travelling )
Preheat the oven to 150 C. Combine in a heavy roasting pan
1 cup wholemeal flour or
soya flour
1 1/2 cups dry milk powder ( optional if dairy intolerant)
1 1/2 cup bran
1/2 cup buckwheat ( optional)
1 cup sesame seeds
6 cup oats
1 cup shelled sunflower seeds
1 cup hazelnuts
Combine in a saucepan
1 cup oil, 1/2 cup honey, 2 tablespoons molasses, 1 teaspoon vanilla.
Warm over gentle heat to blend. Pour into dry mixture stirring well. Roast for 45 to 60
mins stirring every 15
mins until everything is golden brown.
After it has cooled add - 2 cups of raisins, 1 cup each of chopped prunes, dates, apricots and
cocunut, 1 cup of other nuts. Store in a pretty jar or several and serve either with milk or juice poured over it.
Voila, not a single cereal packet to deal with. No cartons to recycle, no shopping to carry in vast quantities. Since 2 out of the 5 of us do not drink milk, we have less plastic bottles to recycle.
Most ingredients can be bought in the wholefood shop for a song. The beauty is that with all the neat jars full of wholefoods each person can add what they like.
8- Smoothie1 banana, 1 handful of raspberries ( or other fruits), add
fruitjuice of your choice ( cranberry, orange, apple, tropical), whizz in the blender and enjoy.
9 - Popcorn10- Fresh fruit2 pieces of fresh fruit of your choice with a handful of almonds, cashews or hazelnuts.